Crosbie weighs in.... 
His column in the Toronto Sun:
Edmund Burke wrote that "power gradually extirpates from the mind every humane and gentle virtue," while Shelley noted that "power, like a desolating pestilence, pollutes what e'er it touches." Put another way, leading Liberals forget what Lily Tomlin once observed: "The trouble with the rat race is that even when you win you are still a rat."
The prime minister, who was as "mad as hell" about the AdScam scandal before the election, is now mute and a stranger to the issue.
Martin's attempts to improve relations with the U.S. continue to be foiled by the likes of Carolyn Parrish, better named Carolyn Pariah, who has added to her feelings of hatred for the "damn Americans" -- also "bastards" -- by calling them "idiots" after attending the first Liberal caucus meeting, which no doubt brought the word "idiot" to her attention.
In short, since June 28, the super-human Liberals led by Martin, are governing as though they had a majority -- with the prime minister dithering while helping his colleagues diddle whomever they can.
Man, he would have been good in the House.

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