Feeling in Ottawa 
Wonder why some ridings in Ottawa will get a lot of Conservative supporters - or NDP voters in my Ottawa-Centre riding - read Jay Jardine's take on it:

I have an (il)Liberal mayor that neither I, nor close to 80% of Ottawans endorsed, who promised not to raise taxes, got "elected" and raised my taxes by 3% 6.5% (scratched out on Jay's blog) 10%.

I also have an (il)Liberal premier, who again, neither I, nor almost three-quarters of Ontarians endorsed, who promised not to raise my taxes, then got "elected" and raised my taxes anyway.

We are possibly (hopefully?) in the final month of an (il)Liberal Prime Minister who none of us have formally endorsed, and who, as far as I can tell, is promising not to raise my taxes. Things aren't looking too bright for him right now, but never underestimate the power of 25% of the population to get suckered again. Anyone care to wager that the mobocracy's upcoming "expression of general will" might mean a tax-increase hat trick? I'll bet you my next health care premium on it.

I don't think this will happen as the federal coffers are awash with funds - it's the distribution of these funds that interest me - if you don't have a good plan for the money - and no party has given me reason to think that they need it all - give some of it back to me.

Oh, and having CFRA and the Citizen helps the Tories. As Todd White (Senators player) said on a CFRA ad promoting the morning host Steve Maddeley - 'everyone needs a good right winger!"

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