Response from Joe Clark 
I hesitate from posting this because I didn't ask if I could publicize it but I'm going to because it's relevant, not really personal and follows up on my letter I sent last month.

To recap, last month I wrote to Joe Clark stating my confusion and disappointment over his statements regarding Harper/Martin/Broadbent. Here is his response:

From: Clark, Joe - M.P. [mailto:Clark.J@parl.gc.ca]
Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2004 11:56 AM
To: Don
Subject: RE: Disappointed and confused

This to acknowledge, and thank you for your e-mail criticizing my comments about Mr. Martin and Mr. Harper. Disagreement is at the heart of democracy, and you hold your view strongly, as do I. In my view, the real challenge will be after the election, because the country needs at least one national party that is able to draw Canadians together.

Yours sincerely,

Joe Clark

I need to think about what his last sentence means...

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