Look out! Here comes the mud! 
Posted to Jim Elve's Group Election Blog.

The Liberals started with a series of ads and stories on their Stephen Harper Said website yesterday. Today, the Conservatives shot back with Team Martin Said. The Tory press release says:

"The Conservative Party of Canada today responded to Paul Martin’s attack ads and website that attempt to smear Opposition Leader Stephen Harper.

We’re not surprised by the tactic, because Paul Martin’s advisors made it clear that the Liberal election strategy would be to “demonize” Stephen Harper. Paul Martin has obviously given up trying to earn Canadians’ votes. Instead, he’s trying to scare them with personal attacks and innuendo.

Paul Martin’s decision to go down the road of negative campaigning is a sad commentary on him and on the state of the once-proud Liberal Party. Paul Martin can’t seem to find anything to run for, so he is desperately trying to find something to run against. It has given us a greater appreciation for what Jean Chretien had to put up with for ten years.

Paul Martin’s attempt at misinformation will ultimately fail because Canadians want to be governed by inspiration, not intimidation and because “Team Martin” has their own series of statements on the same issues they identify.

The Conservative response site can be viewed at www.TeamMartinSaid.ca or http://www.conservative.ca/teammartinsaid/

We can play “tit-for-tat” all campaign if Paul Martin really wants, but we would encourage his high-priced team of strategists and lobbyists to aim higher. Canadians deserve better and they will demand better on election day.

Get your rain suits on - this is going to get dirty.

Update: Thanks to Andrew Spicer for the Liberal URL.

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