More indepth analysis by Simpson
In his Globe and Mail 'chat', Jeffy Simpson wrote the following:
Simpson on March 18th wrote about the "unbearable lightness of Harper's five vows" and of the wait-times guarantee he wrote it "reflects the shavings on the iceberg of the health-care system".
Can a promise be both unbearable light and politically unworkable?
His columns on Harper and the government have always been among the most shallow I've read. It's not surprising his conclusions are simply the shifting concensus opinion.
Mr. Harper will likely be credited with having fulfilled his promises — or at least four out of five, because Patient Wait Times guarantees is substantively foolish and politically unworkable.
Simpson on March 18th wrote about the "unbearable lightness of Harper's five vows" and of the wait-times guarantee he wrote it "reflects the shavings on the iceberg of the health-care system".
Can a promise be both unbearable light and politically unworkable?
His columns on Harper and the government have always been among the most shallow I've read. It's not surprising his conclusions are simply the shifting concensus opinion.
Stop this man!
At the end of CalgaryGrit's interview with Stephane Dion:
Wait till Dryden gets a hold of this one! A new national endeavour! Federal government fitness centres from sea to sea to sea.
I’ll give Dion marks for actually telling them that he thought this was a bad approach to take since tax credits don’t benefit the poor who don’t pay taxes. He told them instead that the government needed to build fitness centres and seemed to talk them around to his point of view.
Wait till Dryden gets a hold of this one! A new national endeavour! Federal government fitness centres from sea to sea to sea.
Blatchford taking questions
A very good chat at the Globe and Mail included this:
A. Guy, Toronto:
My question is more about how you are covering Afghanistan and communicating it to us. The English language is one of the world's richest. It has so many words, so many words borrowed from other languages, so many words capable of capturing every possible nuance. So, why do you have to reach in every column in our family newspaper for coarse, tasteless profanity, the language of boors and street thugs? Witness the word "shitshow," deployed by you that The Globe's editors decided to place on the front page three inches above the fold.
Christie Blatchford:
Well, I'm not covering a bridge tournament. This is how soldiers talk and — while you may rue it — I expect that if you were here, you might well find yourself doing the same thing. War is about death, blood, good and evil, all the big things. It's also loud and scary, and sometimes nothing captures that better than good old-fashioned Anglo-Saxon profanity. I confess, that's also the way I talk. We weren't called the "fucking Canadians" in WW2 for no reason.
A. Guy, Toronto:
My question is more about how you are covering Afghanistan and communicating it to us. The English language is one of the world's richest. It has so many words, so many words borrowed from other languages, so many words capable of capturing every possible nuance. So, why do you have to reach in every column in our family newspaper for coarse, tasteless profanity, the language of boors and street thugs? Witness the word "shitshow," deployed by you that The Globe's editors decided to place on the front page three inches above the fold.
Christie Blatchford:
Well, I'm not covering a bridge tournament. This is how soldiers talk and — while you may rue it — I expect that if you were here, you might well find yourself doing the same thing. War is about death, blood, good and evil, all the big things. It's also loud and scary, and sometimes nothing captures that better than good old-fashioned Anglo-Saxon profanity. I confess, that's also the way I talk. We weren't called the "fucking Canadians" in WW2 for no reason.